
This product is priced and sold individually. There are 12 knives in a full box.

Leader Heads collect large amounts of water and allows the water to move more efficiently down the gutter system. This product is priced and sold...

This product is priced and sold individually. There are 12 cans in a full box.

This product is priced and sold individually.

4298 is a medium duty tensilised polypropylene strapping tape with a natural rubber adhesive system. Tesa 4298 is a specially designed tape which is...

Straight cut aviation snips cut straight and wide curves on a wide range of sheet materials, including sheet metal, vinyl, plastic, rubber, screening,...

Trim nails are 1 1/4" long stainless steel. Trim nails are available in 1/4 lb boxes and 1 lb boxes.

This product is priced and sold individually.

Removes old shingles in half the time. Leaves roof boards clean and free of nails. Pays for itself with the first job. Attachment of the bar increases...

This product is priced and sold individually.

This product is priced and sold individually. This product contains 12 tubes per box